Monday, November 30, 2009

Heard Girls Return: New Orleans 2010

We're back and excited!

If you followed our journey in January you are aware of our story...and if you are new to this blog and read below, you will see that in January 2009 a group of 18 girl cousins, ages 12 years old to 77 years old, took a trip to Washington, DC over MLK Jr weekend for President Obama's Inauguration. This trip was planned in just a few months and on a wing in a prayer, really. We had minimal expectations but what came out of sharing four days with three generations of our Heard cousins and cousins-in-law was truly phenomenal and a real testament to the importance of tradition and family.

As we sat together on the last night in DC, there was no question that this was a tradition that we wanted to continue and needed to continue; with even more girl cousins involved!

It was decided that the weekend of MLK would be an ideal time for our trip and also that future Heard Girl trips would be based around community service; the idea that we will share and be thankful for our time together as family, while giving back and doing something greater than ourselves.

This brings us to the 2010 Heard Girls Trip, January 2010 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

We are using this blog as a place to capture and share the excitement of the planning stage as well as a place for updates and experiences while we are there...all revolving around this new tradition that we are all so thankful for.

Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride!