Tuesday, January 27, 2009

first gear

One week ago today, history was made. I'm still reeling from the excitement and the spirit that I witnessed as I attended the pre-inauguration events and then traveled cross country on Jan. 19th to go work in California. I was heart broken to leave the family behind, and was determined to hold those moments together in Washington in my soul.

Trying to think of an analogy that captures the essence of the spirit that President Obama brings to our country was difficult -- but I finally got it. I remember driving my car one day and after a few miles feeling that something was amiss. Searching for a solution, I finally realized that I had the car in 2nd gear, not first. As soon as I made the switch, the car's engine ran smoothly taking me full speed ahead toward my destination. I think our country has been stuck in 2nd gear for a while. And then, as the inauguration grew closer, there was a subtle, but definite shift into first gear. I felt it on the subway. I felt it as I moved through the airport. I felt it on the plane. I felt it in the cab with my driver, Rafiq (an Afghanistan who is now a citizen of what he describes as the best country in the world!). I could not agree with him more.

One of my favorite memories is having coffee with Victor, a Russian immigrant. He teased that the Heard family must have some Western European blood -- after all, we were able to fit the equivilent of 3 families into a condo! I shared with him that as a child we hid under our desks at school to practice for the attacks from the feared Russians. He told me he did the same thing until he was old enough to understand that it would be only in America where his own dreams as an artist could come true.

Being on the fringe of this shift was one of the most humbling and indeed proudest moments in my life.

As I traveled on Monday, I saw a yellow scarf (something we all wore and waved to keep in touch) and had a nostalgic moment.

So, in closing thoughts, my yellow scarf is off to Pally for introducing me and making a case for Obama a long time ago; to Dana, Kelly, and Janie for inciting us to go and for making so many of the arrangements; to Dot for being so connected that we met and brunched with her friend, Jean and got to know Laura a little bit better; to the teen aged girls who pelted us with their enthusiasm, laughter, and awe; To Nelva and Margaret for being the absolute best sports in the world; to Whitley -- you know how much I love you, and to sister May-ree who kept us informed -- I think she considers herself a Heard girl, and I say, "Why not?"

And most of all, I want to thank and acknowledge Laurel for designing, updating, and capturing our journey in first gear!
Thank you all for the memories,

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