Wednesday, January 14, 2009

our long distance "heard girl"

Lisa Lawley Nesbitt, a fellow "Heard Girl" and my dear first cousin, has been sharing in our excitement throughout the campaign, on election night and of our journey to D.C....although she's been sharing it from thousands of miles away in Mombasa, Kenya.

Lisa and her husband George live in the East Africa coastal town with their two sons, Euan and David. It has been most interesting to hear the opinion and reflection of Obama's campaign and win from a girl born and bred in Georgia but living and raising a family in the country representing part of Mr. Obama's heritage.

Understandably {and as Kelly mentioned in her post below} Kenyans are beyond delighted that one of "their own" has broken through every possible barrier to become PRESIDENT of the United States. Hopefully Lisa will be sharing her thoughts and excitement via our blog in the next few days and filling us in on celebrations taking place there next week!

On election night we were so moved by the live footage from Kenya showing sheer joy and celebration among citizens, of course I immediately thought of Lisa and her boys and sent her a simple email -- not even knowing what time it was there. But I received a reply only a few minutes later.

I hope Lisa doesn't mind, but I'd like to share an email exchange from that historical night:

From: Laurel Davis
Sent: Tues, November 04, 2008 10:22 PM
To:Lisa Lawley Nesbitt
Subject: Yes We Did!

We are sitting here in Nashville at 10:10 PM watching history unfold and weeping with joy & relief. Seeing the live remote footage of the celebration in Kenya is filling out hearts as we are thinking about you.

It's a new day!

Sending our Love,
Janie, Laurel & Pallie
From: Lisa Lawley Nesbitt
Date: Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 7:01 AM
Subject: RE: Yes We Did!
To: Laurel Davis, Pallie Davis, Janie Davis, David and Nelva Roop, Cara Cheek

Been thinking of ya'll too and how the strongest early memory of my life is of Mamaw Davis (Pallie) in our living room in Atlanta the day Martin Luther King was assassinated. There was such a heaviness in the air that day, and all of that has lifted now.

Have just watched McCain's (ironically) very presidential concession speech. I now understand why so many people did stick by him. It was such a relief to hear him strike such a strong healing tone and have affirmation that there will not be any contentious debate about Obama's victory.

The resort next door to us was celebrating until late in the night. There were special Obama nights just about everywhere. We have just learned that Thursday will be a national holiday here.

Forget Puerto Rico, we might as well be the 51st state.

It is a great new day!!!!!

Love to you all,
Lisa, George, Euan and David

P.S. Let's hope Hollywood drafts Sarah Palin really quick!

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