Monday, January 19, 2009

sunday: brunch & obama

On Sunday morning the younger girls + Kelly, Pallie and Whitney opted to get a spot as close as they could to the Lincoln Memorial for the Welcome Concert. {An exciting *star studded* post from their morning coming up!!} and the other part of the group {Dana, Janie, Dot, Shirley, Margaret, Laura, Nelva & Laurel} went to the brunch at the Officers Club at Ft. Myer .
We got there a little early in order to take a walk through Arlington to see John Kennedy's grave. A few stayed behind with our host Jean and the rest of us went ahead trying to find an easy entrance into Arlington. The entrance from Ft. Myer was about to be temporarily closed.
It was a cloudy day and quite cold but the feeling of remembrance and honor at the cemetery is so profound. We walked through Arlington and spent a moment at the Eternal Flame and the Kennedy graves but had to quickly get back to the brunch.

As we made our way to the lonely side entrance a guard made us stop because there was a "government escort coming through"....we waited for only a few minutes, only the six of us and the guard as Shirley said " is it the President {elect}?" to which he replied "maybe". I got my camera ready and the first car indeed held President Elect Obama. We all waved and he waved back.

It was a surreal moment as we realized we were the only ones there! His car was at the front of the caravan followed by a few secret service cars including a SUV with no doors, armed SWAT team looking officers with large guns ready to take action.

We took it all in and made our way back to the security gate where we told the security officers what happened. They both were absolutely astonished and SO excited for us. They said " you ladies will be the only people that that ever happens to". We were happy to share our excitement and they were happy to join in.

We had a lovely brunch with our hostess Jean {who has a fascinating story of her life as a friend of the Kennedy family as well as an important part of Kennedy's senate and presidential staff} filled with mimosas, champagne and an amazing buffet spread.

We enjoyed telling our "experience" with anyone who would listen and it was a great start to our day!

1 comment:

VBB said...

Wow! Thanks for the update, Laurel. I sure am thinking about all of you, and I love hearing/reading about how it is going so far. Go Team CHANGE!